Cuc Phuong hotel

Hotel location
Cuc Phuong National Park Guest hotel is located in the right of gate, where launching point for all activities in the park such as by the entrance ticket, arrange local guides, start with all activities.
The hotel near gate was divided into 2 different buildings: Old building & New building and room rates also different.
- Bathroom en-suite, hot water, TV, air-con/fan: $16-27/room 1-2 pax (Old building room)
- Bathroom en-suite, hot water, TV, air-con/fan: $35-45/room 1-2 pax (New building room)
Foods & Drinks: local restaurant, you can make reservation when arrival (before few hours is better). Vietnamese food only. Soft drink is available as coke, mineral water, beer & local wine.
Guides, music performances, conference room, laundry, transportation, bike rentals and itineraries are available at the tourism office.
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Guest house