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Cuc Phuong National Park was first established in Vietnam. Based on the unique value of geological history, landscape and scientific significance of the flora and fauna in Cuc Phuong, the Prime Minister has signed the Decision No 72/TTg on 07/07/1962 on building protection and Cuc Phuong forest management became the basis of scientific research on plants and tropical silviculture. On 8/1/1966 according to Decision No 18/QDLN of Vietnam Administration of Forestry was officially established and construction management of Cuc Phuong National Park.[toc]Cuc Phuong

Eco-Tourism & study activities:

Wildlife Night-spotting.

The park can organize night-spotting trips into the primary forest. These special tours offer opportunities to see the more elusive mammal species of the park including the Black Giant Squirrel, the Indian Flying Squirrel, Samba Deer, Loris and several small carnivores.

Amphibians, insects, reptiles spotting.

Cuc Phuong is also home to many different species of amphibians, insects, and reptiles, many of them endemic to Cuc Phuong and Vietnam. Some species are common with interesting characteristics, such as the viper, green tree frog and stick-insects.

Tour to biodiversity hotspots.

So far Cuc Phuong has a total of 43 biodiversity hotspots. All of these are recognized by the Scientific Department of the national park and they offer you an excellent opportunity to study and see many different species of tropical plants.

Traditional music performance.

Cuc Phuong was a settlement of generations of Muong minority people with their own unique culture. While visiting the park for homestay, you will have chance to enjoy the traditional songs and dances of different minorities which will be performed by young Muong girls and boys who live around the national park. This activity was set up in order to preserve and bring into play the Muong and other minorities’ cultural characters, and through this you will understand more about the minorities of Vietnam.

Kayaking. (new)

While stay at the park, you can also participate into many fascinating entertainment activities including kayaking on artificial Mac lake or the natural lake of Yen Quang.

National Park Accommodation reservations.

To make a reservation, please contact

*Please note that we also have 3 different areas, please remark clearly to the place you choose. If not we will auto set your booking as ROH class, for further information, please email us ASAP . see details

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